Seller Policy Pages

Seller Policy

24Bit System Store is a marketplace where you can sell your IT Products and Accessories directly to buyers around the world. We want to make sure that you and your buyers have a positive experience on 24Bit System Store.

In the course of your use of the Platform, you agree to furnish your details and information as requested by us from time to time including, but not limited to, the following information, to register as a Seller :

  • Seller Complete Name
  • Seller Complete Address
  • Seller Complete Contact details
  • Seller Grievance Officer details for Consumer Complaints
  • Phone no.
  • Email Address
  • PAN
  • Business Pan
  • Pincode
  • Pick-up Address
  • Registered Address - Principal geographic address of its headquarters and all branches
  • Bank A/c Details
  • Account Holder Name
  • Cancelled Cheque
  • Signature
  • Display Legal Name
  • Legal Name / Trade Name
  • Total price in single figure of any goods / service (break up price / charges, if any)
  • Relevant details of goods including Manufacturer / Packer / Name and Complete Address
  • Relevant details of imported goods including Name and details of Importer with correct Country of Origin (Country’s full name)
  • Relevant guarantee or warranties applicable to all goods / services you are selling on the platform
You agree that you have necessary licences and permits for the sale on the Platform which shall be including but not limited to the licences required by all applicable laws.

Disclaimer by 24Bit System Store

24Bit System Store Role Is That Of An Intermediary In The Form Of An Online-Marketplace And Is Limited To Managing The Website To Enable Seller To Exhibit, Advertise, Display, Make Available And Offer To Sell The Products And To Enable Buyer To Purchase The Products So Offered, And Other Incidental Services To Facilitate The Transactions Between Sellers And The Buyers. Accordingly, The Contract For Sale Of Any Of The Products Shall Be A Bipartite Contract Between Seller And The Buyer. At No Time Shall 24Bit System Store Have Any Obligations Or Liabilities In Respect Of Such Contract Nor Shall 24Bit System Store Hold Any Title In The Products. The Title In The Products And Other Rights And Interest In The Products Shall Directly Pass To The Buyer From The Seller.

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